
  • Ilva Skulte


cultural journalism, internet media, framing, content, discourse, editorial work


Music journalism plays an important role in the development of musical taste and the creation of notions about music. For this reason, the way musicians, their work and their activities are represented in mass media need to be studied. One mass media theory that is often applied in the analysis of media messages proposes the concept of framing in order to explain how these notions are constructed. Framing means the application of concrete text-making elements and forms as well as images to refer to or develop mental models that people use to receive texts and understand them. For young musicians only just developing their careers, it is extremely important what kind of frame is built around them; that is, what kind of frame will be used for the further treatment of the music they produce. This is especially important in the field of popular music, which captures the interest of a
wide audience and gives the media (which in the contemporary media landscape are always looking for scandals) an opportunity to make an easy profit. This article analyses the representation in the media of the young Latvian musician Evija Vēbere. The period of time studied includes a number of concerts, performances and albums (Vēbere also won an Annual Latvian Music Recording Award in 2019) as well as a concert performance in which Vēbere’s interpretation of Svētku diena (Holiday), a popular song by Latvian composer Imants Kalniņš, disappointed many listeners. By using content analysis and discourse analysis, it was concluded
that Vēbere’s work is most often represented in the news relatively neutrally. However, a scandalous frame is frequently created merely by headlines alone. Interviews with the musician provide deeper insight, but there is little in-depth analysis or critical evaluation (such as reviews) of her work, and these give a contradictory impression. After an exchange of opinions regarding the Love. 18+ concert on 19 November 2018, a number of media openly chose a frame of a scandalous person when writing about Vēbere.


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