Oscar Strok, 20th century interwar period, Riga (Latvia), tango songs (schlagers), North-Eastern and South-Western European contexts, sources of musical stylistics, Argentinian tango-canción, Russian urban romance, Jewish klezmer traditionAbstract
Oscar Strok (1893–1975) was a vivid personality in Latvian and European popular musical culture before and after World War II. One of Strok’s most popular tango songs of all time has been Black Eyes (1929). According to data compiled by the author of this article, a tentative total of forty-four tangos by Strok, in both solo song (28) and instrumental (16) form, can presently be located. These tangos are composed in the period from 1927 until the early 1970s. However, most tango compositions were created in the 1930s. What are the peculiarities of the Strok tango-songs musical stylistics (the “face” of the genre)? The Argentinian tango-canción, Russian urban romance and Jewish klezmer musicking style can be considered basics of Strok’s 20th century interwar period tango songs (schlagers) musical stylistics. A synthesis of these various musical traditions and influences forms the special stylistic uniqueness and recognizability of the interwar tango songs created by Oscar Strok nowadays.
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Sheet music
Fokstroty i tango. Šedevry tanceval’noj muzyki. Dlâ ispolneniâ na fortepiano i gitare, a takže dlâ golosa s akkompanementom. M.: Izd-vo V. N. Zajceva, 2006.
Jacob Gade. Jalousie. Zigeuner tango. [Arrangement for piano]. Rīga: Kazanova, without year.
Melnās acis. Čërnye glaza. Tango. Oscars Stroks; A. Brieža latv. teksts. Slova i muzyka Oscara Strok. Rīga: Casanova, 1930.
Moë poslednee tango. Mon dernier tango. Mein letzter tango. Text und Musik von Oscar Strock. Rīga: K. Reinhold; Berlin: Musikverlag Casanova, 1932.
Ot melodii k melodii. Vypusk 1. Populârnye pesni prošlyh let dlâ golosa v soprovoždenii fortepiano (baâna, gitary) / sostavitel’ G. Levkodimov. Moskva: Muzyka, 1988.
Ot melodii k melodii. Vypusk 3. Populârnye pesni prošlyh let dlâ golosa v soprovoždenii fortepiano (baâna, gitary) / sostavitel’ G. Levkodimov. Moskva: Muzyka, 1990.
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Russkij džass! Russian jazz! Oscar Strock. Rīga: Kazanova, 1937.
Val’s, tango, fokstrot dlâ akkordeona ili baâna. Sost. I. Savincev. Moskva: Muzyka, 1981.
Zwei dunkle Augen schau’n mich an. Tango. Text und Musik von Oscar Strock. Riga, Berlin: Casanova, 1930.
Sound recordings
Czarne ochi. Čornye glaza. (O. Strock). Wyk. Jerzy Siemionow z tow. orkiestry i choru.
Syrena-Electro (Warsaw). Mx/Ctr No. 24037.
Čërnye glaza. Romans O. Stroka. Ûrij Morfessi isp. s saksof. orkestrom Dobri, u roâlâ knaz’ Golicin. Odeon (Berlin). Mx/Ctr No. 1201.
Čërnye glaza. Olga Kamieńska z tow. septetu pod. dyr. Henryka Golda. Columbia (London). Mx/Ctr No. DM 1864a.
Čërnye glaza. Tango (Schwarze Augen). Slova i muzyka Oscara Stroka. Ispolnâet Petr’ Leŝenko s’ gitaroj, bariton’. Orkestr Franka Foksa. Columbia (Vienna). Mx/Ctr No. WHR 290.
Golubye glaza. Tango. (Blaue Augen). Slova i muzyka Oscara Stroka. Isp. Petr’ Leŝenko s’ gitaroj, bariton’. Orkestr Franka Foksa. Columbia (Vienna). Mx/Ctr No. WHR 288.
Jalousie. Jealousy. Tango Tzigane. Jacob Gade. Boston Pops Orchestra. Conductor Arthur Fiedler. Victor (New York). Mx/Ctr No. 12160-A.
Jalousie. Bloom-Gade. Polka Dots. Musicrafts Records (New York). Mx/Ctr No. 5917.
Lûblû. Tango, muz. E. Rozenfel’da, sl. N. Vengerskogo. Laureat Vsesoûzn. konkursa vokalistov G. P. Vinogradov. Akkordeonnyj ansambl’ p.u. E. M. Rozenfel’da. Aprelevskij zavod pamâti 1905 goda (Moscow). Mx/Ctr No. 9271.
Moë poslednee tango (Moe poslednee tango, Oscar Strok). Petr’ Leŝenko, bariton’. Akkomp. orkestr” Genigsberg”-Al’bahari. Columbia (Vienna). Mx/Ctr No. WHR 375.
Ne pokidaj! Tango. (Nye pokidai!) Don’t Leave Me! Tango. (Oscar Strok) Sung by Peter Lescenco with Orchestra cond. by N. Cereshnea. Columbia (Bucharest). Mx/Ctr No. CHR 804.
Oh, Donna Clara! Tango (J. Petersburski). Text Beda. Tanz-Orchester Dajos Béla mit gesang. Odeon (Berlin). Mx/Ctr No. Be8827.
Rasstavanie. Sl. I. Al’vèka. Džaz-orkestr pod upr. A. N. Cfasmana. Solo: P. M. Mihajlov (penie). Aprelevskij avod pamâti 1905 goda (Moscow). Mx/Ctr No. 5922.
Schwarze Augen. Tango. Oscar Strock. Marek Belorusov, Marek Weber und sein Orchester. Electrola (Berlin). Mx/Ctr No. BNR 817.
Schwarze Augen. Tango. Oscar Strock. Marek Belorusov, Marek Weber und sein Orchester. His Master’s Voice (London). Mx/Ctr No. BNR 817.
Serdce. Iz ton-fil’ma Vesëlye rebâta (tango). Muz. Dunaevskogo. Isp. L. Utësov v soprov. Džaz-orkestra. Gramplasttrest Kolomenskij zavod (Moscow). Mx/Ctr No. 763.
Skažite, počemu? (Scajitie patchemu?) Tell Me Why? Tango. (Oscar Strock) Sung by Peter Lescenco with Orch. cond. by N. Cereshnea. Columbia (Bucharest). Mx/Ctr No. CHR 803.
Spi, moë bednoe serdce. Tango (Spi moe bednoe serdze. Tango). O. Strock & J. Altschuler – P. Lescenko. Columbia (London). Mx/Ctr No. CM 144.
Tango Magnoliâ (Tango Magnolia). M. Аlexandre Wertinsky (Tenor) avec Orchestre Ionel Bageac. Columbia (London). Mx/Ctr No. WL2158.
Tango Milonga (J. Petersburski). Orkiestra Syrena Rekord pod dyr. H. Golda.
Syrena-Electro (Warsaw). Mx/Ctr No. 6360.
Tango solov’â. Muz. Û. Bogoslovskogo. Taisa Savva (hudož. svist). Koncertnyj ansambl’, dirižer F. F. Kriš. Aprelevskij zavod (Moscow). Mx/Ctr No. 10758.
Tajna. Muz. V. Sidorova, sl. D’Aktilâ. Leonid Utësov, Gos. èstradnyj ork. RSFSR. Aprelevskij zavod (Moscow). Mx/Ctr No. 9135.
To Ostatnia Niedziela. Tango (Petersburski – Friedwald). Mieczyslaw Fogg z akomp. ork. Syrena-Record. Syrena-Electro (Warsaw). Mx/Ctr No. 26693.
Tvoyi glaza (Your Eyes). S. Foullon, Russian baritone and the A. Kirilloff Orchestra.
Seva (New York). Mx/Ctr No. KS 304.
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